Academy Sorcerer Čaroděj akademie AoM Pr Class Dragonlance
Citadel Guardian Strážce Citadely Pr Class Dragonlance
Citadel Mystic Mystik Citadely AoM Pr Class Dragonlance
Dragon Highlord Dračí velmistr WotL Pr Class Dragonlance
Dragon Rider Dračí jezdec DLCS Pr Class Dragonlance
Dragonsbane Drakomor PrC, ADnD Kit Dragonlance
Dreamshaper Tvarovač snů ToHS Pr Class Dragonlance
Gnomish Tinker Gnómský kutil WotL Pr Class Dragonlance
Handler Chmaták WotL Pr Class Dragonlance
Child of Chemosh Dítě Chemošovo BoK Pr Class Dragonlance
Inquisitor Inkvizitor DLCS Pr Class Dragonlance
Knight of the Crown Rytíř koruny DLCS Pr Class, Dragonlance
Knight of the Heart Rytíř srdce NEXUS Pr CLass Dragonlance
Knight of the Lily Rytíř lilie DLCS Pr Class, Secon Generation Dragonlance
Knight of the Rose Rytíř růže DLCS,WotL Pr Class,TotL Dragonlance
Knight of the Skull Rytíř lebky DLCS Pr Class, Second Generation Dragonlance
Knight of the Sword Rytír meče DLCS,WotL Pr Class,TotL Dragonlance
Knight of the Thorn Rytíř trnu DLCS Pr Class, Second Generation Dragonlance
Legendary Tactician Legendární taktik DLCS Pr Class Dragonlance
Mariner Námořník AoM Core Class Dragonlance
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